Sunday, February 8, 2009


Heidi and Daddy spent the day with Mom today.  

I came up in the afternoon.  Ethan and I had spent another morning with the kids. We should have gone to church, but I couldn't get out of bed.  I have been going and going and my body just stopped.   I was so tired and couldn't seem to get enough sleep.  I had to get up every 3 hours to feed Luke - but other than that, I slept until 1 pm.  School begins for me tomorrow, so I need all of the sleep I can get so I can keep up with the 7 year olds! 

Ethan has been wonderful though all of this.  He takes care of the kids and the house while I try to take care of my mom.  Today, he wondered if my mom thought he wasn't visiting enough.  Funny thing, while we were discussing his visits to my mom (the last one being Thursday morning), Mom was at the hospital telling Daddy and Heidi that Uncle Kim (Mom's only brother) and Ethan had stayed with her all night.  Heidi and Dad didn't correct Mom.  Uncle Kim and Ethan are getting credit for visits they didn't even make!  We will talk with the doctor about this tomorrow.  

Other than unexpected nighttime visitors, Daddy and Heidi said Mom did great!  They said they had a wonderful time!  Mom was more tired today because of the busy day yesterday.  Heidi and Dad would often give her breaks to allow her to sleep.  

Good news - Mom got her shunt out of her head.  She is almost tube free!  This is one of the things she had to get out before moving out of ICU.  We anticipate that Mom will be moved to a regular room sometime between now and Wednesday.  

Heidi went back to Nashville.  She is expected back at the end of February.

Daddy will be at the hospital at 8:30 pm most evenings.  He will begin to stay with her overnight when she is in a regular room.  I will go see Mom on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon/evenings.  Thank you to all of the people staying with Mom during the day!  We are glad she has friends like you to check in on her throughout the day!  


  1. Great story about Kim and Ethan getting kudos. I'm so glad you were able to rest today, and may God give you an extra amount of energy as you add more to your plate!! You are to be commended on the attentiveness you have shown to your mom.

  2. Amy,
    My thoughts are with you today as you go back to school.

  3. Happy back to school day! Hope you have a wonderful first day back. Glad you got to sleep a little extra yesterday, I know you needed it!

  4. I hope that your first day back was a good one! So glad that you got your needed rest!!!

  5. February 11, 2009
    Cindy and I are so thrilled to hear that Debbie is improving so very well. I know, and Cindy especially knows because of her Mom & Dad, how tiring it can be--on patient and family--to have to spend so much time in/at the hospital, having to be bound to a hospital bed, or bound to a car seat traveling back and forth from home or work to the hospital. I am glad that you have a good network of family and friends that can assist with so much of everything that has and needs to be done on a daily basis, including being at the hospital to be with Debbie. Our hopes and prayers are with all of you as you continue your vigil. We will continue to watch Debbie's blog for information. Thank you for your time to keep everyone updated.

    Jim & Cindy Stevens
