Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mom whispers.

I hurried to the hospital as fast as I could today after work. OF COURSE, I had to stop at a technology meeting first that ran from 4:00 to 5:47 and then I had to make two stops. One stop was to get 2 large boxes from Fed Ex to do clay animation and then one stop at Schlotzsky's to get Daddy and I dinner. THEN - I was quickly traveling to the hospital when I ran into an accident. I waited and waited and waited and finally was escorted off the interstate and onto another one by a police officer. (I was not the only one escorted. I was with about 100 or more cars....) So, my "quickly getting to the hospital" took me about 3 hours. At least I am here and safe.

Mom looks a little sad today. It was the first time I had seen her since Sunday - before the shunt surgery. I was kind of taken aback when I walked into the door because the right side of her head was covered in stitches. She has the original ones from the surgery several weeks ago and then another U shaped line about 3 inches from her ear going towards the back of her head. I have not counted her stitches. I don't think I want to.

After being with Mom for a bit, I didn't notice the stitches at all. I have decided she might need a haircut, though when she feels up to it. We even talked about hats. I spotted some the doctors were wearing - kind of like scrub hats. They were colorful hats. I think the website for them is I am going to check that out with Mom as soon as I finish blogging. Mom said she wanted a really colorful hat. I am not sure I can see her wearing a really colorful hat. Usually my mom just likes blue (her favorite color) or red (her dad's favorite color).

Mom worked with the physical therapist today. She sat in a chair and did more arm and leg exercises.

Mom has fever of 102.7. The nurse just gave her more antibiotics through the IV and also some other medicine to reduce fever.

Mom is on the third floor of Truett. Mom whispered "Hi" to all of you.



  1. Hi Debbie. Sounds like the healing in back on track. It is good to hear about the therapy sessions and that Monday's surgery went well. We think about you throughout the day with many prayers.

    Love you all,

    John & Cheryl

  2. Hello Debbie & Amy,

    All of us in your Sunday morning class miss you guys very much! We are so blessed by Amy & Ethans words of your continuing recovery. Please know you all are in our thoughts and prayers. My God continue to bless you all in your recovery and care.

    Cris & Torre Smith

  3. Please tell her hi from me & Kevin & the kids! And tell her we've been praying for her every day. BTW - the website is although I'm sure you figured that out! They have such cute hats on there, I hope you find something your Mom likes wearing! :-)
