Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the telephone call

I called Daddy as soon as I was done with school today.  I had tried many times today, but always the phone would go to voicemail.  He answered after about 4 rings this time.  

I asked about Mom.  He said that Mom was good.  He was on his way to go and see her after a few more stops.  We are expecting bad weather, so he will stay at the hospital tonight.  

He also told me about a phone call from earlier today.

Daddy was on his way to a Rotary meeting when his phone rang.  He answered it and the person on the other end of the phone whispers horsely, "Hello."  (It is Mom.)

Daddy says, "Well hello there dumplin'!"  

The conversation continues and Daddy eventually asks, "Is there anyone there with you?" (Remember - Mom moved to a private room last night that evidently has a telephone in it for her to use. )

Mom's whispered reply was, "No.  But I can hear voices outside the door."  

Dad then told her to expect whoever was out there to eventually come into her room.  

This is a retelling of the conversation that Daddy had today.   I am sure there were other things he edited out of his conversation retelling like how he told her how cute she was and that he loved her and missed her and wanted to get well.... I am sure he skipped these things because he didn't want to recount them to me.  But you all can fill in the holes.  I know he was very happy to talk to Mom again!  

What I am excited about - MOM CAN USE THE PHONE AGAIN!  Another blessing - she remembered Daddy's phone number!  Another blessing - he answered!

If you go and visit Mom, you can find her on the third floor of the Truett tower room 325.  


  1. Hey Girl,

    What absolutely awesome news. And what a wonderful legacy your parents are building for you. I'm Anna's mom and I met your mom a little over a year ago as I told you in a recent e-mail.

    This is great about your mom. I'm reading the blog faithfully. I love the updates.

    My prayers are with your mom and all the family.


  2. Yea! Can't wait to go up and visit Debbie in a "real" room now! What a wonderful treat for Dick to get that first phone call from Debbie:) Isn't it amazing what time and prayers can do!

  3. woohoo!!!! Great news!
    Love you,
    Aunt Cheryl

  4. Sounds great! Awesome news! I'm very excited for your mom and family. Prayers continue and praise God for the good things He has done thus far!

  5. This is Aleta.
    I stayed with Debbie yesterday, getting there just a few minutes after she talked to Dick, probably. She was sitting in a chair feeding herself! A speech therapist came in and tested her mental processing quite thoroughly. Seemed like she worked with her for about 30 minutes. Debbie answered all the questions correctly, sometimes with her typical humor. Ex: "Can an infant drive a car?" Ans: "My grandkids can! But other infants couldn't." She told the nurse the names and ages of her precious grandkids. Their preacher came in during this, and mentioned that he had a grandson named Luke, also. Much later, when Dick came in, she told him that their preacher had a grandson named Luke.

    Debbie stayed awake for the whole 6 hours I was there, even though I urged her to rest. She dialed Dick's number again, handed me the phone, and told me to tell her girls to come in her room. Several times she would hear someone in the hall and tell me her girls were out there but would not come in. I assured her that her brain was playing tricks on her, and she told me it was her ears then.

    She has a bear named "Polyester" that Heidi gave her. She told me she keeps trying to get the bear to give blood for her, but it won't.

    A discharge nurse came in to talk to her, recommending a week or so of in hospital physical therapy. They didn't mention a time frame for discharge, though. The discharge nurse was named Laura, and Debbie told her that her friend Cheryl had a twin daughter named Laura.

    So she's making some very advanced mental connections, in my opinion.

    Heidi called after Dick came in. He gave Debbie his phone. Heidi asked if this was her mom. Debbie said, No, this is Amy's mom.

    I expect she is still quite weak, but I'm VERY encouraged!

  6. Ha! Nice she still has a sense of humor...just hope Heidi laughed...I imagine irony and sarcasm is hard to read from a whisper!

  7. Rita said...Another day,another prayer and another step forward. I know all of you are tired but elated about the progress that Debbie has made. I just wish I lived closer that Oklahoma City so I could be there to help out. Know that you are all in my prayers daily.
