Sunday, February 1, 2009

Go Cardinals!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Amy asked me (Ethan) to update the blog. She's doing a lot of running around today.  Heidi is flying back to Nashville today and will return next Friday. She's still a little under the weather.  We came to the conclusion last night that since Debbie was much more alert and very stable medically, everyone would get a good night's sleep at home last night.  We are hopeful that a move out of the ICU is on the horizon and obviously there won't be a half dozen medical personnel 10 feet away once she leaves. So, we'll all try to rest up so one person can stay overnight once Debbie is in her own room.

Dick and Amy went up to the ICU this morning and Debbie was sleeping. She had experienced a "coughing fit" and had to have her airway suctioned. This is somewhat understandable since she has been on a respirator for 12 or so days. Afterwards, they gave her some morphine so she was sleeping soundly. Amy came back home to pick up Heidi and they are on their way back up there now. Her ICP was between 9 and 18 through the night and all her vitals are strong. Other than that there isn't much to report. We are all so thankful for all the prayers, visits, cards, food, etc.  through this ordeal. We know our journey isn't over but you all make it more manageable as you travel it with us. Thank you. We'll have another update this evening.


  1. Wow, isn't the Lord amazing? I'm so glad your mom seems to be improving (baby step by baby step) every day. I'm continually praying for all of you -- now especially for Heidi as she'll be away for a week. Love you! -- Laura

  2. Thanks Ethan, we all are so dependent on these updates. Corky and I went to the hospital this afternoon and got to see her for a few minutes. Her color looks so good and she opened her eyes while I talked just briefly with her. She is strong and prayers are still flowing and being answered. Cedar Hill church had it in their bulletin today along with the blog address.
    I told Debbie how proud we all are of Amy and Heidi (and Dick too). Your Aunt Cheryl has expressed so well how terrific you girls are doing and how proud we mothers are of the care you are giving your mother. With continued love and prayers, Ruth Ann

  3. Dear All,
    God is good! I can't wait to see what this next week brings all of us in blessing this precious family. Many asked about Debbie at church this morning and are still praying for healing. I told Debbie before the surgery that even in Poland, they are praying for her. Magda and Sandra are aware of the situation and are praying. Magda said even though they didn't spend a lot of time with Dick and Debbie they know how important their friendship is and are following the blog and praying. Praise God! He is blessing us all through this ordeal.
    I know that Heidi will be missed this week, but her visit next weekend will be precious.
    Love and praise,
    Aunt Cheryl

  4. Thanks for these updates. I told Hillcrest about Debbie so you have another church praying for your family. I pray daily.

