Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quiet day

Today, Heidi and Daddy stayed at the hospital in the afternoon while I went home to take care of my children.  I had not seen them since early Monday morning and missed them terribly!  Avery and I played Clue Jr. (thanks Uncle Chuck), slid on ice for fun in the driveway, and snuggled.  I also took some pictures of both kids.  It seems the more I am at the hospital, the more I want to leave and take pictures of family.  I even toyed with the idea of stealing Heidi away and going to take professional pictures of us together for a Valentine's Day gift for mom and dad.  I cannot remember the last time we took a professional picture together.  

Heidi and Daddy stayed at the hospital.  The doctor told us in the late afternoon that we needed to not stimulate Mom too much.  Although they usually let us go in and talk and hold her hand, these type of things done too much today could be harmful to her.  Her brain is swelling.  Normal brain pressure is about 8 to 15.  Mom's was about 23 this morning.  Tonight she was closer to 30.  If she gets to 30, the doctor has told the nurse to put her back on sedation medication.  The sedation would help Mom to not move and think too much.  The more a person thinks, the more blood flows through the brain.  This could make her brain have more pressure in it.  She has more swelling this evening than she did at noon.  We are hoping that the swelling peaks in the next day or so.  

Good things that Mom is doing:  
1. Mom can nod her head.
2.  Mom can move her arms/and one leg when told to. (follow commands)
3.  Mom can open her right eye just a bit when she doesn't have a mask on her face to reduce swelling.
4.  Mom is not biting her breathing tube as much.  

Tonight I spoke with the night nurse.  She was new tonight but said she will be with us tonight and tomorrow night.  I think her name is Adrian.  Anyway, Adrian said that patients with this type of surgery heal very slowly.  No change is often a good thing.  We have to take this in baby steps.  

Plans for us.  Tonight Heidi and I are sleeping at the hospital.  I will stay until around 2 tomorrow afternoon.  Daddy went home tonight to get sleep.  He will work tomorrow and be back sometime in the evening.  Daddy will stay in the hospital tomorrow night.   Friday during the day, I will be here with Luke.  We don't know what is happening after Friday.  

Thank you for all of your comments and support!


  1. Isn't it great how kids can quickly give us energy when we feel so drained?!? I'm glad that you were able to go home to spend time with your children today! Call Sara Cook to take your photos... she is excellent!

    I am happy to hear that your mom is responding to commands, and will pray that the swelling goes down.

  2. Thank you for this update. I will be more patient in my waiting. I am glad that you are able to leave the hospital and be with the kids. I know your daddy is grateful for you and Heidi being there to stay with Deb so he can take care of some business. As always, our prayers are with you.
    love and hugs,
    Aunt Cheryl

  3. Still praying for God's healing power for Debbie.

    The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of ilness. Psalm 41:3

    Thank you God for hearing our prayers.

    Love ~Keith and Deborah Peterson ~

  4. Keep you head up Amy. We were just talking about you at Church last night and we were all amazed at how positive you remain when making these updates. You are truly a blessing to everyone! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
