Saturday, February 2, 2013


Good morning all!  Mom called and the doctors said that she is being RELEASED.  RIGHT NOW!  I know this is just really exciting stuff!  
Mom is being released today!

Mom is being released with the thought that she will have several days at home to recover and rest before going back to work.  Daddy has asked that visitors do not come over for now.  Mom needs to be home and begin to mend.  

If you would like to do something for Mom and Dad - pray.  
  • Mom is still a bit confused.  She even said yesterday to a friend, "my brain isn't quite working well yet."  
  • Mom will need to begin to take care of her diabetes.  This is something she neglected after a period of time after her last hospital stay.  
  • Pray she decides to take care of her health and that we can empower her to do that.  Daddy EVEN made a doctors appointment for her in two weeks.  (This is something Mom would have not allowed before.)  
  • Pray Daddy is able to handle work, Mom and everything else.  Pray he gets enough sleep at night.
Thank you for helping our
family during this time!

Mom is coming home!
Movie day ALL day!
Late last night we got a visit from Jerry Maxwell.  He is a long time friend of Mom and Daddy.  Heidi, Mom, Daddy and I were all watching a movie last night.  Friday nights are generally known as "movie night."  Heidi had to rig the DVD player up to a really old tv, but she got it to work! 

Jerry Maxwell had mentioned that he had called Daddy to check up on him last week.  Jerry hadn't seen Mom or Dad for a couple of weeks.  I wanted to thank him - and many of you.  Keep checking on my parents.  Thank you for being good friends to them! Thank you for being there when we have had emergencies with Mom.  Knowing that someone is out there praying 
for her is comforting.  God heard your 
                                                  prayers and my mom is OK.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Change of Scenery.....

Mom moved to room 203 at Baylor Waxahachie.  She is NOT contagious AND she says that tonight she would be OK if someone happened to stop by.

This is great!

2009 Page Views and COUNTING!

Today is the day we were supposed to get test results back on Mom's culture from the original spinal tap taken sometime Tuesday.  Daddy got up early and headed to the hospital.  I got my kids to school and my students in specials and decided to spend my conference time conferencing with Mom's doctors.

Mom's culture came back and doctors say today that it did NOT show the bacterial kind of meningitis.  This has them a bit puzzled.  Nothing grew in their culture.  They want to make sure the results are correct, because they are not what they had thought. To double check their findings, they are scheduled to do a spinal tap later today.  We should get these results sometime next week.

With the test results back the doctors have decided to continue to treat her like it is bacterial meningitis and she will continue with the antibiotics.  Mom has seemed to respond to these medications well.

We also do NOT have to wear the gown, mask, and gloves like before.  Mom is still in ICU and it is unclear if she will move to a new room or just stay in ICU until she is released.

I asked Mom this morning if she was up for visitors today.  She said no.  Even though she has more energy and would like company - she is worried she doesn't look good.  (Personally, this is a GREAT sign to me!  She wants to look good for her friends.)  Heidi is going to bring make-up to her today.  There are small rumors that she MAY go home either tomorrow or Sunday.

SO - if you are a friend of mom's and would like to call or visit - call her first and ask.  I will let you know when she says yes.  Doctors are ok with visitors.  Mom's cell is 972-743-6552.

Heidi will be in and out of the hospital today.  She plans on eating with Avery (my daughter) today for lunch at school.  Avery CAN NOT wait!!  Heidi also has a few conference calls from California to take care of for work.  Daddy is in an important IRS meeting that began at 9 this morning.  He will be in and out of the hospital as well, but may be there mostly this evening.  I will be at the hospital as soon as the kids go with their dad for a scheduled weekend visit.  If you need anything  - you can always text me, too. 972-977-6157.

On a side note - the times that Mom has been in the hospital have been difficult on us.  I had the blog open about 4 months then and so far a week now.  During that time - Mom's page has been viewed 2009 times!  All I can say is WOW!  This really shows us that there are people out there that care about our family.  Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and attention!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Love is....

"Loving someone in sickness
or health."
I am up late again.  I was not sure I could go and see Mom today.  Heidi and I decided to trade places.  I took the kids home after working all day at school.  We played, laughed, snuggled and then met Heidi for dinner.  The kids were very excited to see their "Aunt Heidi" again!  Luke could not sit still.  Heidi learned interesting things like what Pokemon Avery likes best and that Luke will only eat eggs if they are cooked inside a cake.  

After eating with Heidi we switched cars.  I took Daddy's BMW and put the top down - while Heidi took the kids in my Explorer back to my house to put to bed.

I got to visit with mom for the longest time all week while she was awake and aware.  She still saw me today when I wasn't there.  Heidi was kind enough not to tell her differently.  So - for the second day in a row I got credit when only my heart and mind was with her.

Heidi DID finally get some sleep.  She went to the hospital around lunch time.  Mom said she didn't get there until 5.  Poor kid.  She comes and stays the MOST at the hospital and Mom is seeing ME AND Heidi.

Regular room tomorrow.
Mom is doing well from what I can tell.  I missed the time to talk to the doctors today.  I really liked Mom's nurse tonight, though.  The nurse even showed me the CAT scans from when she got to the hospital.  I have SEEN that there is not a tumor.  I have worried for four years that there was another one growing.  I have worried for nothing.  Unfortunately, the nurse would not let me take a picture.  You will just have to trust me.

Mom will more than likely move to a regular room tomorrow (Friday.)  They are waiting until one is available on a regular floor.  We are STILL waiting on the test to let us know if Mom is contagious.  We continue to take precautions just in case.  We wear masks, gloves, and gowns.  Tomorrow, the test should be back.  IF she is not contagious - she can have visitors.  I will let you know when we hear.  For now - still no visitors.  BUT - Mom does have her phone now.  So if you would like to call or text, her phone number is 972-743-6552.  There isn't always great reception at the hospital, but you can try.

Mom just held our hands tonight.
I think she is ready to get
better and go home!
On another note- depending on the test that is coming back - Mom MAY even be released on Sunday!  This is all just a goal for now.  We will know more tomorrow.

I left Mom at Daddy at the hospital tonight.  Daddy finished a LONG day at work (although he visited the hospital quite a bit).  He had been to the down town to drop off the last of his deadline work.  The post office stays open late for days like this one.  Usually, Mom will drive Daddy downtown and they will eat dinner together on the way back.  Daddy is historically to tired to drive.  Tonight, Daddy made the trip alone and then hurried to the hospital.

Mom is happy.  They laughed and they kept holding hands.  Mom is cold in the room and holding Daddy's hand makes her feel more calm.  She told him last night that she felt better with him there.  Things are getting better every day!  Thank you for your continued prayers!  Keep them coming!

What are you READING today??

Good news comes from the hospital today!  Daddy was the first to visit and he called me at work to say she is continually improving!

Mom is still being treated for bacterial meningitis and we don't know if it is contagious or not.  (We SHOULD find out tomorrow.)  The doctors are speculating at this time that it is NOT contagious.  When we find out - visitors can visit.  For now, please wait.

Daddy said that mom looks better.  She is even asking for things to read!  Reading is a great sign because it usually means her head feels better and her eyes can focus.

Please continue to pray for fast recovery!

Enjoy our picture slideshow of our family!
Click "Blessings" below:


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blessings - Slideshow


Click on the word "Blessings" above to watch our short slideshow/video of our family in good times.  Thank you for praying for mom and continue to wish her well so she can be home with us - and happy.

How Many People Do YOU See?

Heidi did an excellent job today with Mom!  Her connection on her phone wasn't great.

Daddy and I are trying to stay on top of things at work and home and with Mom.

Daddy and Mom
November 2012
When Daddy and I got to the hospital this afternoon the doctor met us at the door to her room.  It has a glass door that remains closed while we wait to see if she is contagious.  The doctor confirmed that she does have meningitis.  We are still not sure what kind she has.  The doctor can only speculate at this point.  He said of the tests he ran today 3 out of 4 confirmed bacterial meningitis.  Bacterial is the worst kind from what we have been told.  It should be treatable.  We will not know for sure if this is contagious, but the doctor says most cases are NOT.  Until we know for sure we are all taking precautions and we request no visitors.

Heidi will be at the hospital again tomorrow and Daddy will be in and out.  His actual deadline this week is tomorrow (Thursday).

Now - for mom.  Her blood sugar is around 200.   This is up from yesterday, but down from when she was admitted.  She is being encouraged to take better care of herself when she gets to leave.  (More discussions about that to come, I am sure.)

Luke and Avery
November 2012
Mom is seeing people who are not there.  This happened after her brain surgery.  Last time she saw her brother Kim and Ethan.  Today she saw me.  She said that I sat outside of her room and wouldn't come inside.  I would just try to communicate through the intercom that really didn't work.  She kept telling the nurse she needed to send me in!  She also saw a man trying to "fix" the intercom problem.  Eventually, the man gave up and the intercom still doesn't work.

I will tell you that I did feel guilty for NOT being there all day today.  With Heidi in - Daddy, Heidi and I are taking shifts.

Mom's fever was creeping back up when I left.  She is on a diet of solid food and ate a really good dinner.  Daddy fed it to her.  She could have fed herself, but she was getting really distracted.

Mom was happy to have us there.  She remembers nothing from sometime Monday until this morning.  She is looking SO much better and she wanted me to tell you to please PRAY for her - because prayer works.

The Booie Child

When my sister was little she would play peek-a-boo.  Instead of saying "peek-a-boo" she would say, "BOOIE!"  She was named "The Booie Child" which quickly got shortened to "Boo."

Heidi and me (Amy) on one of Heidi's
visits home.
Last night Daddy and I were feeling a bit down about Mom's progress and diagnosis.  Daddy asked me to begin to blog.  Mom still had fever (at 10pm) and she wasn't showing great responses.

I drove Daddy to DFW airport to pick up Heidi at 11:20 pm.  We found her.  We found her bags and we headed back to the hospital.  Heidi needed to see Mom and ICU never closes.  Outside of the room Daddy and I showed Heidi how to put on the gown, mask and gloves.  We made quite a sight in our yellows and blues.  We opened moms isolation door.  The nurse was inside checking on her.

There was silence to begin with.  Nobody spoke.  We were all tired and mom was sleeping.  I put my hand on her forehead.  Heidi spoke.  Immediately after hearing Heidi's voice - my mom opened her eyes and had a bit of a smile.  She said, "my BABY is home!"  (It was ALMOST like peek-a-boo as she cracked her eyes open to peek at us). We asked her questions and I am not really sure she knew where she was or why - but the point is SHE WAS AWAKE!

Goals for Tuesday were to have bed rest and reduce her fever.  She met ALL goals for yesterday.  She was exceptionally good at the bed rest.

Mom with my son, Luke.   Spring 2010
Her smile here is beautiful! 
Heidi is at the hospital today.  We are still asking for no visitors because we still don't know at this point if mom is contagious.  Daddy's thoughts are with mom as he finishes a deadline today and I am teaching my 3rd graders.  I will be at the hospital after school to help Heidi.

Please forgive quality of pictures - but pictures of pictures don't work well....  I thought you might want to be reminded about Mom's smile, too as well as seeing our excitement of having my baby sister home!

Have a great day and keep those prayers coming!  Your prayers are working!  God is listening!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Four years and 2 days ago...

Four years and 3 days ago my mother, Debbie Fromm went into surgery at Baylor Dallas with a brain tumor.  Yesterday - my mom came to the hospital again.

Daddy worked late last night.  It is the beginning of tax season and he has been busy.  Deadlines are happening all of the time.  He came in about 9 last night and says that mom was not as responsive as she should have been.  On the phone he said she was "acting funny."  Daddy flew into action.  He scooped her up, put her into the car and went to Baylor Waxahachie.  This is the hospital she came to first the last time.  This is the one my daddy used to be on the board for and the one closest to his house.

He "got her settled" and then called my sister, Heidi.  Daddy didn't call me until this morning.  He jokingly said that he was actually glad for the time difference because he had girls he could talk to at any hour of the day.  Heidi - who lives in California now is two hours behind us in time.

As before - Daddy told me the GOOD NEWS (which - I have to agree IS good news this time):
Mom DOES NOT have a tumor.  Daddy and I have been worried about that.  She has not gotten any scan done since her hospital stay four years ago.

BUT - as before there is also no so good news - Mom is being treated for meningitis.  We will not know which type she has OR if that is exactly what she has for another day or two.

Other complications - when she arrived at the hospital last night - her blood sugar was up in the 400 range.  Her potassium is down.  She also had a high fever.

I came to the hospital as soon as I could this morning.  I took the kids to school and had planning time at 8:15.  I saw her then.  My children cannot be at the hospital at all.  Ethan picked them up after school and kept them overnight.  We still work as a team and for that, I am thankful.

Mom has not eaten much of anything and was quickly put on a liquid diet.  This evening her sugar levels are back in the normal range and so they have changed from taking the sugar level from every hour to just before meals.  Her fever was even down the last time I checked on her - which was about 15 minutes ago.  She hasn't said much at all to me -but Daddy said she spoke earlier today.  Her left side is showing signs of weakness, too.  This has happened since the surgery 4 years ago when she is tired.

Heidi is flying in from California tonight and will be at the hospital tomorrow.  No visitors for mom.  She might be contagious.  I will keep you updated through blogposts again, like I did last time.  Daddy was the one who asked that I reopen it.  Thank you for your prayers (although I really don't even know exactly what to ask for) and for following my mom.