Saturday, March 28, 2009

I know I should be blogging everyday.  Instead, at least for last week, I just posted tonight.  Please forgive me.  Sometimes I just don't know exactly what to say.

Mom is doing well.  She is out of the hospital and trying to get back to "normal life."  We are not sure what that will be, but we are all anxious to find out.

This week was the week I had to go back to work after Spring Break.  Each morning at 6:30 I would find Mom and take her blood sugar level.  Then, by 6:45 the kids, Ethan and I were gone for the day.  Daddy is usually not far behind us.  

Mom had to go to speech therapy twice during the school day.  One day Daddy was able to take her and the next day one of her friends could.  The speech therapy hours are during school hours and I am unable to help.  If you are able to take Mom to Baylor during the day and would like to help out in that way - please let Mom and Daddy know.  The therapy lasts one day for an hour and the second visit is only 30 minutes.  

For those of you who have spoken to my mom on the phone - you probably think my mom doesn't need speech therapy.  Mom sounds good, but she is working with the speech therapist on language and reasoning skills.  She will do things for memory, too.  The speech therapist even gave her homework to help her work with her memory.  I have to tell her 10 words that are largely unrelated.  Each word I say has to be about 5 seconds apart.  She has to then wait 5 minutes and tell me as many words as she can remember.  I do have cues for her if she needs help.  Believe it or not - it isn't easy.

Physical therapy is going very well.  Mom doesn't need her walker much anymore inside of her house.  When she is outside or away from the house - she needs it.  For now they are renting a wheelchair just in case she wants to "shop."  But it is rarely used because Mom doesn't want to be out that long.  Mom and Daddy went to Brookshires just this evening and Daddy took her in without her walker to get just a couple of things - Mom did well.  Her body is mending quickly and getting stronger each day.  

Ethan, the kids and I are not going to live with Mom this week.  After two weeks at Mom's, Avery is begging to go home to her bed.  I am still going to cook for her, clean when she needs me to, and take her to physical therapy 3 times a week.  I am also going to invite her to our house on the evenings we don't have to go to therapy.  

Mom would love some visitors.  If you decide you would like to visit her during the day, please call first.  She wants to make sure she will be there before you come.  (She doesn't want to miss someone while she is going to therapy.)  Mom loves to talk to people and with Daddy and I at work - she misses that interaction.  Also, please let the phone ring many times if you call her.  You might even call back a second time if it goes to voice mail.  Mom is having a hard time getting to the phone when it rings.  She has a cordless phone, but doesn't like to leave it off the hook for fear it will run out of batteries or it will be lost....

Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and pray for my family.  Thank you for caring so much!  I will post again sometime this week - lets say by Friday?  

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Prayers Got Me Through"

Mom is doing well today.  She is beginning to fall back into her old patterns again.  For example, my mom is really not a napper.  Today - she was too busy to take a nap.  It was completely her.  Even in college I planned my days around naps.  So today - I took Mom to speech therapy in downtown Dallas followed by lunch at Bueno and two drive through errands.  After which Mom really wanted to stop by Daddy's office to see him.  

At Daddy's office we ran into her friends the Van Amburghs.  Mom got to visit with them a few minutes before Luke began to cry (because the car wasn't moving).  We jumped into the car and went home.  It took me about a half hour to put Avery down for a nap.  Luke took a bit longer but by 3:00 all were in bed - except for Mom.  I left her on the couch and tried to catch some sleep myself.  When I awoke, she was still in the living room.  She had written down recipes from the Internet to try, written one or two thank you notes, checked the blog (I have to be careful with what I say now - Mom is a follower... ) and she had watched some TV.  

She soon had a visit from two more of her friends bringing food and smiles.  The visit really picked her spirits up.  We had a family dinner and then put the kids to bed.  

All in all - a very good day!  

I was most excited about her blood sugar level.  She didn't always let me test her.  In fact, she only let me test her once today (should be four times), but when I did - before dinner- her blood sugar level was 94!  It hasn't been normal in the evening until tonight.  

More about speech therapy - Mom's first day was today.  We were unsuccessful at locating a speech therapist near us that was able to see new patients.  SO, Mom is taking speech therapy from Baylor Rehab downtown.  (This was the last building she stayed in, but she will now be working with their outpatient department.)  The therapist is young.  Every time Mom tells about therapy she comments on how young the therapist is.  I didn't go into therapy with her because I had the kids and this was the day of evaluation for Mom.  I didn't want Mom to be distracted by the children.  So, while Avery, Luke and I looked for acorns and smelled flowers around the hospital enjoying the sunshine - Mom sat in a room with this lady and took tests.  She told me about a test for visual discrimination (like which object is different), a test for making a schedule, and a test for comprehension (she had to read a passage and then answer questions).  When Mom got home she said her head really hurt.  She blamed it on Ethan (for therapy the day before), Avery being too noisy, and speech (because she was concentrating so hard).  Even with a headache she didn't want to take pain meds because we think they make her sick.  Next week she will go three times to speech.  The first one, Daddy will be at.  The therapist wants to speak with him about goals.  At that meeting they may talk about not having to see Mom three times a week.  The therapist seems to think Mom might not need that many times each week.  She is going to e-mail the suggestion to have less speech therapy each week to the doctor who is currently on vacation out of the country.  

Physical therapy.  Mom went on Wednesday to physical therapy.  Ethan only had her there about 45 minutes.  He worked her hard, though during that time.  One of my favorite things they did was to have Mom stand without the walker and we played "balloon volleyball."  Avery was able to begin to hit the balloon to Mom, but when we found her aim wasn't great - I got to.  I am very good at "balloon volleyball".  It is a talent I didn't know I had.  Mom did very well, too.  She was able to reach up with both of her hands at different times and hit the balloon back to me.  

For tomorrow - Mom will go to physical therapy in the morning and then the beauty shop in the late afternoon.  (Remember, I plan for naps.)  Ethan, Avery, Luke and I are going to go home tomorrow.  Avery really misses her bed.  Daddy's brother (Uncle Bobby) and his son (Spencer) are coming for the weekend.  We should be back at Mom's house on Sunday evening.  

Mom was talking on the phone earlier.  She said something that stuck with me that I wanted you all to hear.  Mom was talking to her friend and said, "Prayers are what have gotten me through this so far."  She is right.  We have all been praying and God listened to us.  Thank you so very much for praying for my mom.  She thanks you, too.   Isn't prayer amazing?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was a good day.  So far, I think it was the best one since the hospital.  Mom woke up and took most of her medicine and even let me get her blood sugar levels!  

Best of all - she got a hair cut!  She went to her hair place - "One Fine Day" in Waxahachie.  There, she left me in the waiting area with the kids (Avery did wonderfully and Luke slept) while she went back with Jeff.  When I went to check on her Jeff commented that she had talked the whole time.  She said, "Well, I haven't seen anyone except Amy lately."  I think she misses visiting with the visitors at the hospital.  Thank you all for coming to visit her there!  Thank you also for calling Mom and talking with her.  Her phone was broken on Saturday and not fixed until today.  I am sorry if you called and got voice mail.  

Another wonderful thing that happened today was the 10:00 therapy session.  (We were only 30 minutes late.)  Thank goodness we have a forgiving therapist (my husband, Ethan.)  

Here is all about therapy today in his words:  I haven't seen Debbie "do therapy" for about 2 weeks and even though I had observed her moving around the house some, we really hadn't had a chance to talk about how she was doing since the hospital.  Last night I was able to read over some of her previous therapists' reports in the info we received from BIR, so that was a good benchmark for me to compare how she was today to 1-3 weeks ago.  We talked a great deal today about how she was feeling and what she felt her limitations are.  I felt that she moves in general, better than i anticipated and her static (not moving) balance was better than advertised. She does however have a great deal of Left arm weakness and neck/shoulder pain and tightness. We went over a few arm and leg strengthening exercises and scheduled her for more treatments later in the week. By the end of her time she complained of a good deal of dizziness as well as muscle fatigue and neck pain. We discussed her goals concerning her walking without an assistive device and her long term plans. She was a model patient and it was a good start to her outpatient therapy. I have already drawn up some homework for her and I will treat her again tomorrow afternoon. :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday - March 16th

Mom was still sick today.  The doctor called in medication for her.  Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow.

10:00 am - Physical Therapy begins again. (Ethan will be her therapist.)

Good things that happened today:
1. The sun shined and it was a warm spring day.  It was the perfect weather to begin Spring Break! 
2.  Mom held Luke many times and was able to hold him for longer than 10 minutes.  She used to complain at how heavy he was and want someone to take him.  Today - I asked her if he was too heavy several times before she gave him up.  (Point - Mom's arms are getting stronger.)
3.  I talked with Mom for a long time this morning and for brief moments I even forgot she had gone through the hospital stuff.  She just sounded like Mom.
4.  The kids are at my house while I am at Mom's.  They are staying with my mother-in-law until after therapy. (Point - even though I won't get to see them tomorrow morning - I will get a full nights sleep.  Maybe.)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Not much happened today.  It was a quiet Sunday.  Quiet Sundays are the best in my opinion.  Avery, Luke and I headed off to church.  We went to class and then late service.  Luke was awake the whole time, but an angel.  Avery was a bit wiggly.  After church we came home and ate lunch.  Mom still doesn't feel well and didn't join us at the table.  

After lunch we napped.  Luke was awake, though.  He wanted to play.  I wrestled with him for awhile and then Daddy took over.  Daddy said they enjoyed a bit of "Wyatt Earp" while the rest of us slept.  Great boy time.  

When Luke went to sleep - Daddy headed to work for a little while and shortly after he left, Ethan came home!  I was glad to see him!  He shaved the beard that he had been growing since Luke was born.  He looks nice - with or without the beard. 

Tomorrow we don't have much planned for Mom.  We are going to switch her physical therapy from big Baylor to Ethan's clinic.  Ethan has more flexible hours and his clinic is closer.  We will switch the paperwork tomorrow.  If it happens early enough - Mom might have a chance to have therapy tomorrow.  We will wait and see.  

Funniest thing that happened today was when Mom decided to get up off the couch and go back to her bedroom.  Ethan - who hasn't really been around her since last weekend - stood up to help her.  Mom said, "I can do this, Ethan.  I feel very comfortable with doing this by myself."  Then with a small grin on her face she showed Ethan how she could get up and begin to walk with her walker.  Quietly, Ethan followed behind her.  I am sure in his head he was thinking of things to work on for therapy.  When Mom walked into the kitchen she says to Daddy, "Dick, Ethan is following me."  

I cannot wait to see the "therapy" sessions!

Please pray that Mom begins to feel better.  She doesn't think she has a virus, she thinks she just overdid things yesterday when she was packing to get ready to go.  I am very ready for her to feel more like she used to. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tie a yellow ribbon on the old oak tree....

This morning began for me about 5:45 am.  The kids and I moved into Mom's house yesterday evening and Luke didn't sleep hardly at all.  He wasn't really cranky, just awake every hour or so.  He even woke Daddy up a few times.  Thankfully, Avery slept through most of it.  At about 6:30 after feeding him again - I decided I should just be up for the day.  

I fixed breakfast for Daddy and Avery and we all sat around the breakfast table (all except for Luke who decided he was tired...) and talked about today's events.  Daddy loves breakfast time and he was very glad to share his table with two morning people.  We were all very excited to have Mom come home!  

After breakfast Daddy headed off to the store and Avery, Luke and I finished getting ready.  Daddy had gone to buy roses for Mom for the house and also yellow ribbons because of an old song.  When Mom saw the yellow ribbons she told me to take a picture of them.  She was also excited about the roses on the table.  

Let me get back to the morning.  Luke, Avery, Daddy and I all piled into the car and set off for the hospital.  We found Mom in her room standing up with her walker and walking around trying to pack.  She was glad we were there to take her home.  Avery was a flutter. Luke's stroller was too big - so we set him outside the door.  While Daddy packed and carted things off to the car - I tried to control the kids.  Mostly Avery.  She has been sick for 3 days before this and other than going through the drive through at Sonic or over to Mom's she has been inside.  She had some energy to let out.  Unfortunately, we didn't know this until we got to the hospital.  When a doctor came by to talk with Mom and Daddy - I took Avery and Luke around the floor of the building.  To distract Avery I taught her to control Luke's stroller (which she cannot see over.)  This came in handy later...

After visiting with her nurse and getting all directions for medications - we went on our way. Daddy wanted to visit all of the people he now calls friends that we have met since our time began at Baylor  8 1/2 weeks ago.  Two of my favorites are on the same floor as Mom at the rehab center.  One lady named Lucy came in because her husband had an accident during the ice storm.  She, Ethan and I got to spend the night at the hospital together and we became fast friends.  The other, Mrs. Berry is a very kind lady!  She also came in because of the ice storm.  Her husband was walking into work and slipped on the ice and bumped his head.  Both ladies have been friends to our family through all of this.  I am very glad to have met them! 

Daddy then thought we should go and see other nurses on other floors - people who helped Mom that she may or may not remember.  He wanted to tell them thank you and also show Mom off.  He wanted to let them know that she is going home and what they did for her got her to this point.  BUT - as we started out for the underground tunnel from the rehab hospital to the regular hospital things began to happen.  

Picture this - Daddy has a plant and coat in one hand and some other things from Mom's room in the other hand.  (His last load for the car.)  I was pushing Luke with my jacket and Avery's across the top of the stroller.  Mom was pushing herself some and I was pushing her, too.  I would push Luke, come back - push Mom, etc.  Avery decided to help and we thought it was best for her to push Luke and not Mom.  So then - we are going behind Daddy and Avery is pushing Luke, I am pushing Mom into the elevator that will take us to the basement.  While we are there - Mom's huge glass of ice water spills off of the stroller we forgot it was on that was pushed by Avery.  Daddy then decides he needs to push Luke and juggle the things in his hands.  Avery goes between us - sometimes pulling on my shirt, sometimes "helping" Daddy push the stroller all the while wearing a CLEAN bed pan on her head.  I can only imagine how we looked. We went to the third floor of Truett first and didn't see anyone at first.  We finally saw one nurse.  At this point - the kids are hungry and tired and so is Mom.  We call it a day and go back down the tunnel to the car.  

We get into the car and it is stuffed with all of the things we have.  Wheelchair, walker, stroller, a plant, etc.  Daddy decides we need to call Heidi.  She needed to be part of the moment, too.  He dials her as he is pulling out of the parking lot, in the backseat I am reading to Avery and Luke is talking (not a quiet car)  -- when all of the sudden -  Mom feels sick.  

We pull over, help Mom and then make other plans for lunch.  The original one was going to Pappadouxs.  We decide to call ahead and get take out.  After getting take out from there we went by a chicken place for tea.  (Really good tea, but Dad noticed that a gallon of tea there costs more than a gallon of milk. - Not sure we will go there for tea again.)  Then home.  We ate a wonderful lunch - all of us at the table.  (Except for Luke who was again - asleep.) 

After lunch I fed Luke and then Mom, Avery, and I tried to lay down to take a nap.  Luke didn't want to sleep - he wanted to talk - so he and Daddy spent some boy time together before Luke decided to lay down, too.

Dinner was more quiet.  Mom still felt sick.  She didn't eat.  Daddy, Avery and I had popcorn and hot dogs.  I went to the store after the kids were in bed.  

At times today I had no idea if I was helping or creating more of a problem with the kids around.  Ethan would have been here - but nobody knew when Mom would get out of the hospital and he had a business trip scheduled for Houston this weekend.  Thankfully - he will be back tomorrow.  

Daddy is who I found myself watching today the most.  We all are a little different because of this event.  I have told Daddy and Heidi that I think the three of us are closer now than we were.  Daddy did what he always does today - he visited.  He laughed, he showed his family off, and he celebrated with anyone who wanted to celebrate.  We are lucky.  So many of the people we met didn't get happy endings.  Mom is one of the lucky ones.  Of course - she is not at the end of her story or her journey yet.  

Mom's therapy today- she got to hold Luke.  She got to get in and out of the car and go home.  When she got home she got out of the car very quickly!  Mom didn't feel well today, but we think that was from motion sickness and trying to do too much packing this morning.  Tomorrow is another day....

On May 2nd (Saturday) we are having a party to celebrate Mom's recovery.  All blog readers are invited.  You have been praying for my mom and we want to thank you.  More will be posted about the event as it gets closer - just save the date on the calendar, please.  It was supposed to be a surprise for Mom, but Daddy couldn't keep it a secret.

As for the blog.  For now I will write.  This week will be filled with eye doctor appointments, physical therapy (maybe done by my husband, Ethan), grand kid time, and other normal everyday things.  I will keep you posted.  

Something you can do for me - I am going to cook for Mom this week especially because I have Spring Break.  I am not a cook.  I have about 5 recipes that I cook all of the time and that is it.  I am needing help to get better.  I am looking for healthy recipes that I can cook and then maybe put in the freezer so that when I am not here on the weekends or in a few weeks - Mom can pull them out and cook them and have a good hot dinner.  SO - if any of you know these recipes - post them on the blog OR e-mail  Also - any tips for storing frozen meals like this?  Thanks so much for your help! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Meeting - 10:30ish

We had another meeting with all of the important people on Mom's case this morning.  I wasn't there (Avery has strep), but Daddy called me and wanted to make sure I put it on the blog quickly.

Mom WILL be released at 10:00 on Saturday morning.  We will go and pick her up and she can stay at home!  It has been 8 weeks of hospital and rehab up to now - so we are going to be very happy for her to come home.  

Mom will continue to have therapy as an outpatient.  For now, we think she will go to Baylor for her therapy needs.  She will see a speech therapist and a physical therapist.  She will be there for an hour 3 times a week. Mom is working with the speech therapist on cognitive therapy and speech and the physical therapist for things like balance.

Mom will not have to be with someone all of the time when she comes home.  For the first week she will be with the kids and me.  We have Spring Break so we are going to celebrate at Mom's house.  After next week, both Daddy and I are just about 10 minutes away if she needed us.  For now it looks like Ethan, the kids and I will be staying at Mom's during the week and then at our house Friday and Saturday nights.  This way - I can worry about only cleaning, cooking, and washing for one house - not two.  It is also more stability for the children.  They will not have to go over to Mom's house each afternoon - and then leave a few hours later.  We can keep their eating and sleeping patterns the same.  We will also have the longest "family" times which are Friday night and Saturdays to ourselves.  We are taking it a week at a time, though.  If we are not needed to help with Mom then we will go home.  

Mom can talk on the phone now.  Her cell phone is 972-743-6552.  She would love to hear from you.  Today, Thursday and Friday - please only call between 4:30 and 7:30.  This gives Mom a chance to finish with therapy and rest for a bit before visiting.  

I will keep you posted if anything changes, but for now Mom is still in rehab.  I will post something on Saturday evening to let you know how her first day home went.  

Thank you all for your prayers - they are working!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The little things....

I was really, really tired on Sunday!  Loosing an hour stinks!  Ethan, Avery, Luke and I went to church with Ethan's mom who was visiting for the weekend.  We went to late service (which we never do).  Just before we went in the doors, Daddy was coming out after class.  He couldn't stay any longer.  He wanted to be with Mom.  

I didn't go and see Mom.  We had company and I had many things to do for school.  Thanks to may WONDERFUL husband - I got a nap and a bit caught up on things.

Daddy took Mom to Target and got a few things she had been wanting.  She was even able to get a frame for a picture of my kids that she ordered in December.  (I am sure she will show you the picture if you visit.)  

Mom and Daddy also visited with Blake and Sandy Utley at On the Boarder.  (Visiting for about 2 hours - away from the hospital.)  

Many things Mom has done this past weekend really made her tired.  I continue to think of all of the things I do each day that I take for granted.   Getting out of bed, up and down into a chair, navigating through a crowd -- all become major events.

Next weekend Mom is still scheduled to go home.  We are very, very, very happy!  

This week there is a meeting sometime to confirm that mom is going home.  (I think the meeting is Wednesday - so check the blog either late that day or on Thursday.)  Unless I hear anything new - Mom is still just rehabilitating! 

Thank you for all of the food, cards, calls, gifts, and prayers.  I am very glad that you are helping us through this difficult time!  Words cannot express how thankful we are that you are around to help us! 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekend Pass....

Well, not the whole weekend, but at least for today Debbie was able to leave the rehab hospital and spend the day at home. At 11 am Dick and Amy went to a class to learn the proper ways to help Debbie while she is outside of rehab, such as transfers in and out of the car and how to fold and transport her wheelchair and walker. A physical therapist at BIR instructed them and then it was out into a warm, windy March Saturday!
First stop was for lunch at Pappadaeux (not sure if i spelled that right). Debbie had a Greek salad and some gumbo. They raised some eyebrows with the wheelchair and Debbie's appearance but they enjoyed themselves and Debbie didn't seem to notice. Then it was on to home! It was obviously the first time Debbie has been in her house since she collapsed on January 21st. Debbie spent some time looking for things that have been missing or misplaced during her absence then felt tired and wanted to nap for a bit. Following her nap Amy and Debbie made a stop at Sonic (of course) then skipped a planned trip to Target because Debbie was too tired.
Debbie is now in room #312 in BIR. It's a private room and she is happy to have full control of the thermostat and can watch her own TV without disturbing a roommate. She enjoyed her time out but was exhausted by the end of the day. When Amy left Debbie had everything she needed and was very tired and sore. She is allowed to take a day trip tomorrow as well but is unsure of whether she will venture out tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

THE meeting

Between 10:35 and 11:00 we were to have a meeting with everyone involved in Mom's case.  The meeting was only to last about 5 minutes and then we were going to know everything we needed to know about Mom.  ALL of our questions were going to be answered.   

I called Daddy (during my planning time) at 10:35.  This is the longest we have talked for awhile.  We talked on the phone and speculated about when Mom would be allowed to come home.  We talked about options - all while we waited for the meeting to happen.  You COULD say that Daddy got to the meeting early, I was on time, and all of the doctors were late.  They didn't show up until 11:10 and our window of time was closing rapidly.  (Daddy had a 12:00 appointment in Midlothian and I had to go and pick up my students at 11:20.)  

When they got there, Daddy and the doctors went to find Mom (who had gone to therapy).  This took a few minutes, but then we were all ready.  

The doctors said that Mom is working on "endurance" and "stamina."  She doesn't like to hold her head up on her own for long periods of time.  She doesn't like to turn her head either because she doesn't like the way the shunt feels in her neck. 

The doctors talked about wanting to see some of Mom's work things.  They have to decide if and when she is ready to go back to work.  Before they decide that, they have to figure out what she does.

Mom told them all she wanted to do was go home.  The doctors said that they would give her a "weekend pass."  They will allow her to visit on Saturday and then again on Sunday.  We are not sure about the details.  We don't know if Mom can go away all day or if she will only be allowed out for a few hours.  Daddy did mention church on Sunday (he misses holding her hand during service).  We will have to see how Mom feels.  She is not sure she can sit through church yet.

Ethan and I are going to help out quite a bit when Mom comes home.  We only live a few miles from them, but when we picked our house I wanted it to be as far away from Mom and Dad as possible.  Now, it seems like that is the most annoying part.  I feel like they are close, but it takes 20 minutes to cross town and get there.  We may stay there for a few nights out of the week.  Ethan works until 8 pm on those nights.  This will give me the added benefit of cleaning only one house and worrying about only one meal each night.  Also - when it is time for the kids to go to bed, I won't have to worry about rushing home to put them down.  Also - Daddy's busy season is starting.  He may be late some nights.  We may not do this long, but we might need to do it for awhile.  On the weekends when we usually spend our "family" time together - Ethan, Avery, Luke and I will be at home.  Of course we will visit Mom during the weekend, too.

Mom cannot drive for awhile.  This surprised Daddy.  Mom and Dad are most concerned about transportation when Mom goes back to work.  She teaches the blind and travels from school to school to ARDS and to see children.  They are not sure what she will do if she cannot drive.

When released Mom will do "outpatient" physical therapy.  Ethan does this type of therapy and has been requested by Mom.  I am excited - mostly because I know he will do a good job but also because I know he will work with my schedule.....

Big news - one week from this Saturday - Mom will be released!  (This is still just a guess.  Next meeting is next week.)  

Tonight, Mom, Daddy and I talked with Heidi on speaker phone.   Heidi talked and talked while she was grocery shopping in Nashville, TN.  It was very nice to have Mom, Daddy, and Heidi together.  We laughed and enjoyed each other.  

Thank you all for continuing to pray for Mom!  She is getting better each day.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mom played solitaire and lost...

I talked to Mom on the way home from school today, a daily tradition. She talked about her day and how she is busy from 7:30 to 2:30 every day with all sorts of therapists. One thing she mentioned she did today was play solitaire (this isn't a comment meant to guilt you into visiting her). Mom likes to play games by herself (solitaire, tetris, etc). She said she played solitaire with different rules today and that she had lost. Mom talked about going back to work and speculated on when she can go home from rehab, she thinks this week, we think next week. Considering spring break is coming up, maybe the extra week would be better. We will have a short "care team" meeting tomorrow morning to discuss Mom's progress, goals, and treatment plan.

Let's get Moving!

Avery, Luke and I visited Mom yesterday. 

Avery watched cartoons while Mom held Luke.  It is the first time she has been able to hold him for more than 10 minutes and not tell me that her arms hurt.  She played with him.  She moved his arms and legs to show me how the PTs moved her arms and legs that day during therapy. 

It was very nice to see her!  Her therapy times are from about 8 to 3 each day.  She was very tired yesterday afternoon after all of the movement.

There will be a short meeting between all doctors, speech therapists, OTs, and PTs and all of the other important people - Daddy will be there, too.  I hope to listen on speaker phone.  We will listen to goals and possible discharge dates. 

These are good days! 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

the "midst of rehabilitation"

I didn't update yesterday.  Sorry.  Avery and I had a girls day.  We had to go shopping for her clothes because she has grown out of everything!  We looked and looked, but I could only find 3 dresses that I liked for her.  I also got an outfit that looks exactly like what I would wear - plain navy shirt and green kakis.  It was not intentional. Unfortunately all I found was sleeveless.  I will try again today....

We did swing by the hospital for an hour or so.  We brought Mom her new favorite ice cream - peppermint from a place called "Wild About Harry's".  We shared it with everyone around.  

I found it nice that Mom's next door neighbor was a man who's wife I met in the waiting room in ICU.  He had a horrible accident during the ice storm.  Ethan and I spent a couple of nights with Lucy (the wife) in the waiting room of ICU.  It was nice to see a familiar face and to finally meet her husband.  It is nice to know more of their story and to know that at least for now, they are getting a happy ending to all of this, too.

I got there just a few moments before Uncle John, Aunt Cheryl and their daughter Laura.  We shared laughs and ice cream while sitting around Mom's bed in lawn chairs.  After about 30 minutes Mom was whisked off to "a physical therapy class".  I say "whisked" but that is a term for something that happens quickly.  That might have been the wrong word.  They brought Mom a manuel wheelchair and Mom had to use her arms to push herself to rehab.  She did a wonderful job! (Better than I thought possible less than a day from moving out of the hospital.)  Avery, who loves to walk slowly, walked all the way to rehab beside Nina and even got to push the buttons in the elevator.

We all got to go with her to the class and see her throw balls at a velcro wall with Avery, look at fish, and other things....

I am so glad Mom is in rehab now!  She is being evaluated and will be given a "plan" on Wednesday.  

Rules:  This new place will let anyone visit - even children and babies.  As long as Mom is not too distracted, you can stay with her no matter what she is doing with therapy.  (Showers are given in the evening and Mom will ask you to leave for those, though.)  

All visitors have to leave by 9 pm.  This is actually great for Dad!  He cannot spend the night with her and has been able to go home and get some sleep.  This way he will be able to rest up before Mom comes home.

For those who are visiting - Mom is in the "Baylor Institute of Rehabilitation"  it is directly across from the Truett building on Gaston.  And - to make everything easy to remember - they put Mom in room 325.  Funny, but that was the same room number from the Truett building.  

Did I mention - Heidi's here?  Thanks to my Sunday school class for flying her in!  Ethan and I really enjoyed a weekend of not worrying about Mom as much and focusing on our family who - on all accounts is growing much faster than they should.  (Luke, who just turned 3 months this week - is wearing 6 to 9 month clothing!)  Thank you for giving us a week to catch up!  It gave us some breathing time and now we are ready for a new week! 

Enjoy your Sunday!  More later!