Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Booie Child

When my sister was little she would play peek-a-boo.  Instead of saying "peek-a-boo" she would say, "BOOIE!"  She was named "The Booie Child" which quickly got shortened to "Boo."

Heidi and me (Amy) on one of Heidi's
visits home.
Last night Daddy and I were feeling a bit down about Mom's progress and diagnosis.  Daddy asked me to begin to blog.  Mom still had fever (at 10pm) and she wasn't showing great responses.

I drove Daddy to DFW airport to pick up Heidi at 11:20 pm.  We found her.  We found her bags and we headed back to the hospital.  Heidi needed to see Mom and ICU never closes.  Outside of the room Daddy and I showed Heidi how to put on the gown, mask and gloves.  We made quite a sight in our yellows and blues.  We opened moms isolation door.  The nurse was inside checking on her.

There was silence to begin with.  Nobody spoke.  We were all tired and mom was sleeping.  I put my hand on her forehead.  Heidi spoke.  Immediately after hearing Heidi's voice - my mom opened her eyes and had a bit of a smile.  She said, "my BABY is home!"  (It was ALMOST like peek-a-boo as she cracked her eyes open to peek at us). We asked her questions and I am not really sure she knew where she was or why - but the point is SHE WAS AWAKE!

Goals for Tuesday were to have bed rest and reduce her fever.  She met ALL goals for yesterday.  She was exceptionally good at the bed rest.

Mom with my son, Luke.   Spring 2010
Her smile here is beautiful! 
Heidi is at the hospital today.  We are still asking for no visitors because we still don't know at this point if mom is contagious.  Daddy's thoughts are with mom as he finishes a deadline today and I am teaching my 3rd graders.  I will be at the hospital after school to help Heidi.

Please forgive quality of pictures - but pictures of pictures don't work well....  I thought you might want to be reminded about Mom's smile, too as well as seeing our excitement of having my baby sister home!

Have a great day and keep those prayers coming!  Your prayers are working!  God is listening!


  1. Precious post, Amy. I'm so glad Heidi can be with you all right now, too! I'm praying for the fever to reduce today. Love you!!

  2. Such good news. Please sent an update it is so hard waiting for news. My poor phone almost knows where I will click everytime I pick it up.

  3. Praying for your family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys. Snacks at the hospital, cleaning at the house, meals, etc. ~Lisa Sanders, from Brown Street Church of Christ

  4. thank you for the update. Still praying....
