Thursday, January 31, 2013

Love is....

"Loving someone in sickness
or health."
I am up late again.  I was not sure I could go and see Mom today.  Heidi and I decided to trade places.  I took the kids home after working all day at school.  We played, laughed, snuggled and then met Heidi for dinner.  The kids were very excited to see their "Aunt Heidi" again!  Luke could not sit still.  Heidi learned interesting things like what Pokemon Avery likes best and that Luke will only eat eggs if they are cooked inside a cake.  

After eating with Heidi we switched cars.  I took Daddy's BMW and put the top down - while Heidi took the kids in my Explorer back to my house to put to bed.

I got to visit with mom for the longest time all week while she was awake and aware.  She still saw me today when I wasn't there.  Heidi was kind enough not to tell her differently.  So - for the second day in a row I got credit when only my heart and mind was with her.

Heidi DID finally get some sleep.  She went to the hospital around lunch time.  Mom said she didn't get there until 5.  Poor kid.  She comes and stays the MOST at the hospital and Mom is seeing ME AND Heidi.

Regular room tomorrow.
Mom is doing well from what I can tell.  I missed the time to talk to the doctors today.  I really liked Mom's nurse tonight, though.  The nurse even showed me the CAT scans from when she got to the hospital.  I have SEEN that there is not a tumor.  I have worried for four years that there was another one growing.  I have worried for nothing.  Unfortunately, the nurse would not let me take a picture.  You will just have to trust me.

Mom will more than likely move to a regular room tomorrow (Friday.)  They are waiting until one is available on a regular floor.  We are STILL waiting on the test to let us know if Mom is contagious.  We continue to take precautions just in case.  We wear masks, gloves, and gowns.  Tomorrow, the test should be back.  IF she is not contagious - she can have visitors.  I will let you know when we hear.  For now - still no visitors.  BUT - Mom does have her phone now.  So if you would like to call or text, her phone number is 972-743-6552.  There isn't always great reception at the hospital, but you can try.

Mom just held our hands tonight.
I think she is ready to get
better and go home!
On another note- depending on the test that is coming back - Mom MAY even be released on Sunday!  This is all just a goal for now.  We will know more tomorrow.

I left Mom at Daddy at the hospital tonight.  Daddy finished a LONG day at work (although he visited the hospital quite a bit).  He had been to the down town to drop off the last of his deadline work.  The post office stays open late for days like this one.  Usually, Mom will drive Daddy downtown and they will eat dinner together on the way back.  Daddy is historically to tired to drive.  Tonight, Daddy made the trip alone and then hurried to the hospital.

Mom is happy.  They laughed and they kept holding hands.  Mom is cold in the room and holding Daddy's hand makes her feel more calm.  She told him last night that she felt better with him there.  Things are getting better every day!  Thank you for your continued prayers!  Keep them coming!


  1. THANKS Amy for the update. Love to you all! Still praying!!! Becky M.

  2. So happy to hear she is on the mend. And glad you are getting a little sister time out of it too. :) thank you for the updates!
