Sunday, March 1, 2009

the "midst of rehabilitation"

I didn't update yesterday.  Sorry.  Avery and I had a girls day.  We had to go shopping for her clothes because she has grown out of everything!  We looked and looked, but I could only find 3 dresses that I liked for her.  I also got an outfit that looks exactly like what I would wear - plain navy shirt and green kakis.  It was not intentional. Unfortunately all I found was sleeveless.  I will try again today....

We did swing by the hospital for an hour or so.  We brought Mom her new favorite ice cream - peppermint from a place called "Wild About Harry's".  We shared it with everyone around.  

I found it nice that Mom's next door neighbor was a man who's wife I met in the waiting room in ICU.  He had a horrible accident during the ice storm.  Ethan and I spent a couple of nights with Lucy (the wife) in the waiting room of ICU.  It was nice to see a familiar face and to finally meet her husband.  It is nice to know more of their story and to know that at least for now, they are getting a happy ending to all of this, too.

I got there just a few moments before Uncle John, Aunt Cheryl and their daughter Laura.  We shared laughs and ice cream while sitting around Mom's bed in lawn chairs.  After about 30 minutes Mom was whisked off to "a physical therapy class".  I say "whisked" but that is a term for something that happens quickly.  That might have been the wrong word.  They brought Mom a manuel wheelchair and Mom had to use her arms to push herself to rehab.  She did a wonderful job! (Better than I thought possible less than a day from moving out of the hospital.)  Avery, who loves to walk slowly, walked all the way to rehab beside Nina and even got to push the buttons in the elevator.

We all got to go with her to the class and see her throw balls at a velcro wall with Avery, look at fish, and other things....

I am so glad Mom is in rehab now!  She is being evaluated and will be given a "plan" on Wednesday.  

Rules:  This new place will let anyone visit - even children and babies.  As long as Mom is not too distracted, you can stay with her no matter what she is doing with therapy.  (Showers are given in the evening and Mom will ask you to leave for those, though.)  

All visitors have to leave by 9 pm.  This is actually great for Dad!  He cannot spend the night with her and has been able to go home and get some sleep.  This way he will be able to rest up before Mom comes home.

For those who are visiting - Mom is in the "Baylor Institute of Rehabilitation"  it is directly across from the Truett building on Gaston.  And - to make everything easy to remember - they put Mom in room 325.  Funny, but that was the same room number from the Truett building.  

Did I mention - Heidi's here?  Thanks to my Sunday school class for flying her in!  Ethan and I really enjoyed a weekend of not worrying about Mom as much and focusing on our family who - on all accounts is growing much faster than they should.  (Luke, who just turned 3 months this week - is wearing 6 to 9 month clothing!)  Thank you for giving us a week to catch up!  It gave us some breathing time and now we are ready for a new week! 

Enjoy your Sunday!  More later! 


  1. Amy,
    It is so good to hear that your Mom is doing well! We will continue to pray for her and her rehab as well as for you and your family.
    Joey and Leslye

  2. Hi Amy, It is so great that your mom is out of the hospital and into rehab... on many levels. I think it is good for her mind to see that she is well enough to NOT be in the hospital anymore... I also liked reading about fewer rules, and fun in rehab... this all feels more 'normal'... well as normal as not being home can feel. It is the next step in her healing, and I cant help but think that her recovery is going to move in leaps and bounds now!
    I am so happy I got to talk with your mom and dad on the phone when I called my sister, Cheryl, on Saturday. Your mom sounds wonderful and I felt so honored to actually get to hear her voice!

    We love you,
    Christy (Aunt Cheryl's sister)

  3. Hurray for Rehab! It sounds like your Mom is going to do fabulously there. I bet it's great for her (and everyone else) that the visiting rules are so relaxed there too!

    Trin is also growing out of everything and I really need to buy her some clothes that fit now, but I keep putting it off because I keep telling myself, if I just wait a few more weeks I can just buy spring and summer stuff. :-)
